
How to Become Rich by 30

Most people, if not all of us, want to live in financial comfort and stability. We want to be rich, to be able to buy anything we want, and to have access to a premium lifestyle. While the end goal is clear, it’s hard to know where to begin your journey to being wealthy.

Before you get started, it’s important to acknowledge that becoming rich takes time and effort. There are very few ways to instantly have large amounts of wealth, and all of them are luck-based. Not all of us can win the lottery or inherit a fortune from a mysterious rich relative. Becoming rich in most cases involves a lot of hard work, patience, and time. There are some tried-and-true things you can do that can help you get rich, but the key is to constantly and consistently work hard, keep track of your personal finances, and keep your eyes on the prize.

1. Add Value

Something many self-made wealthy people have in common is that they are valuable in specific ways. Even when millionaires and billionaires are taken out of the equation, many rich people — doctors, engineers, filmmakers — have gotten rich after adding value to themselves and then adding value to the world. For example, a rich neurosurgeon may be specially talented and skilled. This surgeon added value to the world after improving their own skills and quality of life.

Adding value to yourself is a good foundation to begin your journey to being rich. Develop some knowledge or skills that justify someone paying you a good amount of money. Convince people that you are worth a large paycheck because you will add value to their lives in return.

2. Tax Yourself

The concept of saving money is not a new one. However, it is extremely easy to “dip into your savings” when you want something badly enough. The key to accomplishing your goal of amassing wealth is to actually try and save money.

A different way of looking at your savings is to view them as taxes. Once you pay your taxes, you never get the whole amount back. Treat your savings the same way. Set money aside in a savings account or transfer it to a totally separate account where you cannot touch it. Treat your savings like money that you will never get back, until the day that you get it all back at once.

3. Create a Plan and Follow It

The likelihood of suddenly stumbling upon unlimited riches is extremely low. While it may seem that a lot of the success stories you hear are luck-based, this is actually not true. There is probably some chance and luck involved, but most rich people became rich through meticulous planning and discipline.

This includes things like budgets and timelines, as well as a plan of what to do at every step of the way to success. It is important not to get complacent and do your best to keep going, and having a plan helps without wasting unnecessary amounts of time. Creating a budget and following it is only one part of this process.

4. Invest

The core principle behind investing is that you end up making more money than you spent. However, it is important to choose your investments wisely. There are plenty of places for you to sink your money into, but figuring out which one of these will result in you profiting is difficult.

Real estate is sometimes a good investment, but it is expensive. Investing in the stock market does not have to be expensive, but it can be risky and unstable. A 401K is a wise investment that you should invest in, but it can depend on how well the business you work for is doing. There are plenty of factors to consider when investing, so make sure you think about it rationally. Talk to experts or friends who are experienced in investing before making a decision.

5. Start a Business 

This is much easier said than done, but the last four steps lay the groundwork to be able to start your own business. If you have a knack for business or want to be your own boss, this can be a great step to making some money. However, as many entrepreneurs will tell you, creating your own business requires massive upfront costs and low revenue in the beginning.

Being an entrepreneur is not a quick way to get rich — it is a massive change in lifestyle. It has its unique trials and rewards, and in many cases is totally worth it. However, this is not a choice to be taken lightly. It requires commitment, grit, and some luck to be successful. While it may take some time, it can certainly help you get wealthy.

6. Be Grateful 

Becoming rich does not only require external factors to fall into place — many personality factors have to align for you to succeed at whatever venture you’ve started. Staying humble and grateful for the progress you’ve made at every step of the way is essential.

People do not want to give their money to someone who does not appear to appreciate it, or gets too carried away with any moderate amount of success. Keeping your life in perspective and having a considerate, thankful, and humble attitude is the way to go.

7. Develop Patience 

Another important personality trait to being successful and rich is patience. Nothing big is accomplished overnight, and you cannot and will not get rich in a matter of days. All the efforts you put towards accumulating wealth could take months or even years to pay off. It’s easy to get frustrated early on, especially when it seems like there’s a new wealthy person in the news every other day. However, realizing that your pace of success does not have to compete with theirs is crucial.

In the long run, patience can be extremely rewarding. This does not mean that you should get complacent or wait things out instead of taking risks. Success can take some time, and getting frustrated is detrimental to your efforts.

8. Educate Yourself 

It is key to try and educate yourself, not only in your chosen field but also in the ways of the world. Keeping up with the news, for example, is extremely important if you want to make a decision about investing or find out about upcoming trends. Ignorance is the prime killer of any efforts to make money.

This means you have to constantly educate yourself. You cannot let major events or trends slide, because in each of them there is a threat or opportunity for you. Staying aware and educating yourself about current events is essential.

9. Take Calculated Risks 

There is no money made without a risk taken. Whether it’s starting a business or investing in stocks, every avenue to making money requires some risk. Even selling your old furniture requires you taking the risk that the buyer will show up and will pay you. It is a comparatively small risk when compared to deciding whether to spend millions of dollars on a new product line, but it is still a risk.

In order to make money, you have to take a chance that a venture or idea you have will pan out. Therefore, it is important to think deeply and evaluate multiple possible outcomes before you decide that an investment is worth it. Taking risks without thinking about them beforehand is an incredibly quick way to lose money. To earn, you should take risks, but they should be calculated.

10. Give Back 

It is important to give back to the community. This leads back to the first point about adding value to the world around you. If you earn some money, give some back to a cause you believe in. This way, you are adding value to the world after having added value to yourself.

Another benefit of giving to charity is that people perceive you as a better person when you give to causes they care about. They are likely to trust you more when they see that you aren’t intent on hoarding the money they give you, and that doing so will benefit their community in turn. Of course, the tax benefits of giving to charity are also a great incentive to do so.

Being rich means something different to every individual. Some people are happy with a decent-sized home and a moderate-income job, while others want to be millionaires and billionaires. Regardless of where you feel you fall on the spectrum, these steps can help you achieve the level of wealth you want. Before you get started, though, make sure to sort out your current finances so your bank account is ready to expand.

How to Repair Your Credit Score

There’s nothing a credit repair service can legally do for you — even removing wrong information — that you can’t do for yourself for little or no expense. And the cost of hiring such a company can be considerable, ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

What is the Credit Repair Organizations Act?

The Credit Repair Organizations Act is a federal law that became effective on April 1, 1997 in response to a number of consumers who had suffered from credit repair scams. In effect, the law ensures that credit repair service companies:

  • Are prohibited from taking consumers’ money until they fully complete the services they promise.
  • Are required to provide consumers with a written contract stating all the services to be provided as well as the terms and conditions of payment. Under the law, consumers have three days to withdraw from the contract.
  • Are forbidden to ask or suggest that you mislead credit reporting companies about your credit accounts or alter your identity to change your credit history.
  • Cannot knowingly make deceptive or false claims concerning the services they are capable of offering.
  • Cannot ask you to sign anything that states that you are forfeiting your rights under the Credit Repair Organizations Act. Any waiver that you sign cannot be enforced.

How to “Fix” Your Credit by Yourself

There is no quick fix for your credit. Information that is negative but accurate (such as late payments and delinquencies) will remain on your credit report for 7-10 years. However, there are steps you can take to start building a more positive credit history and improve your credit scores over time.

  1. Check Your Credit ReportTo get a better understanding of your credit picture and what lenders can see, check your credit report.
    • If you need help reading your report, you can learn more about how to read your Experian credit report.
    • If you want to learn more about credit reports in general, you can read about credit report basics.
    • If you find information that is incorrect, you can file a dispute. Remember too, that items on your credit report that you don’t recognize could also be potential signs of fraudulent activity — someone working to secure credit in your name for their own use. Make sure you’re clear on items that could potentially be fraudulent, versus those that may simply be inaccurate.
  2. Improve Your Payment HistoryYour payment history is one of the most important components of many FICO scoring models. Late and missed payments will reduce your scores, and public records and collections can cause significant damage. This negative information will remain on your credit report and impact your credit scores for 7-10 years.Your scores often take into account the size and recency of your debt. The bigger your debt is and the more recent your missed payments are, the worse your score will be. Bringing accounts current and continuing to pay on time will almost always have a positive impact on your credit scores.
  3. Know Your Credit Utilization RateCredit scoring models usually take into account how much you owe compared to how much credit you have available, called your credit utilization rate or your balance-to-limit ratio. Basically it’s the sum of all of your revolving debt (such as your credit card balances) divided by the total credit that is available to you (or the total of all your credit limits).credit utilization rateHigh credit utilization rate can negatively impact your credit scores. Generally, it’s a good idea to keep your credit utilization rate below 30%. For example, if you have a $10,000 credit limit across all of your credit cards, you should try to keep your total credit card balances below $3,000 to keep your credit utilization rate low.There are two ways to reduce your credit utilization rate:
    1. Reduce your debt by paying off your account balances.
    2. Increase your total available credit by raising your credit limit on an existing account or opening a new credit account.
    While increasing your credit limit may seem like an appealing option, it can be a risky move. If increasing your credit limit tempts you to use more credit, you could fall deeper into debt. Additionally, if you try to open a new credit card, an inquiry will appear on your credit report and temporarily reduce your credit score.Reducing your balances on credit cards and other revolving credit accounts is likely the better option to improve your credit utilization rate, and, subsequently, your credit scores. Consistently making on-time payments against your debt will also help you build a positive credit history, which can have additional benefits for your credit history and, by extension, your credit scores, too.
  4. Consider How Many Credit Accounts You HaveScoring models consider how much you owe and across how many different accounts. If you have debt across a large number of accounts, it may be beneficial to pay off some of the accounts, if you can. Paying down your debt is the goal of many who’ve accrued debt in the past, but even after you pay the balance down to zero, consider keeping that account open. Keeping paid-off accounts open can be a plus in your overall credit mix since they’re aged accounts in good (paid-off) standing. You may also consider debt consolidation.
  5. Think About Your Credit HistoryCredit scoring models, like those created by FICO, often factor in the age of your oldest account and the average age of all of your accounts, rewarding individuals with longer credit histories. Before you close an account, think about your credit history. It may be beneficial to leave the account open once you’ve paid it off.Of course, if keeping accounts open and having credit available could trigger additional spending and debt, it might be more beneficial to close the accounts. Only you know all the ins and outs of your financial situation, and like thumbprints, they’re different for each person. Make sure you carefully evaluate your situation; only you know what can work best for your financial outlook.
  6. Be Wary of New CreditOpening several credit accounts in a short amount of time can appear risky to lenders and negatively impact your credit score. Before you take out a loan or open a new credit card account, consider the effects it could have on your credit scores. Know too, that when you’re buying a car or looking around for the best mortgage rates, your inquiries may be grouped and counted as only one inquiry for the purpose of adding information to your credit report. In many commonly-used scoring models, recent inquiries have greater effect than older inquiries, and they only appear on your credit report or a maximum of 25 months.

More Options for Credit Repair

If your debt feels overwhelming, it may be valuable to seek out the services of a reputable credit counseling service. Many are non-profit and charge small or no fees for their services. You can review more information on selecting the right reputable credit counselor for you from the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. Credit counselors can help you develop a Debt Management Plan (or DMP) and can negotiate to reduce your monthly payments. In many cases, you’ll be responsible for only one monthly payment to the credit counseling service, which will then disburse funds to all of the accounts you owe on.

Your credit report may denote that accounts are paid through a Debt Management Plan and were not paid as originally agreed. Using a Debt Management Plan may not negatively impact your credit history when you continue to make payments on-time as agreed under the new terms.

Alternatively, you could consider consolidating your debt via a personal loan or balance transfer credit card. In some cases, debt consolidation loans can provide lower interest rates and reduced monthly payments, as long as you qualify and stick to the program terms.

Fixing Your Credit Fast

Don’t worry if you make payments and your credit report isn’t updated right away. Creditors only report to Experian and other credit reporting agencies on a periodic basis, usually monthly. It can take up to 30 days or more for your account statuses to be updated, depending on when in the month your creditor or lender reports their updates.

Lenders and others usually use your credit report along with additional finance factors to make decisions about the risks they face in lending to you. Having negative information on your credit report or a low credit score could suggest to lenders that you are less likely to pay back your debt as agreed. As a result, they may deny you a loan or charge you higher rates and fees.

If you have negative information on your credit report, it will remain there for 7-10 years. This helps lenders and others get a better picture of your credit history. However, while you may not be able to change information from the past, you can demonstrate good credit management moving forward by paying your bills on time and as agreed. As you build a positive credit history, over time, your credit scores will likely improve.

Investors should be tempted to take a look at this stock: Mr. Cooper Group Inc. (COOP)

Price Performance of Mr. Cooper Group Inc. (COOP)

Mr. Cooper Group Inc. (NASDAQ:COOP) has had quite a remarkable price journey over the past year. During the past 12 months, its highest price was $20.04, which this stock reach on 08/21/18, compared to its lowest price during that period – which was $8.62 on 08/21/18.

At the end of the most recent trading day, Mr. Cooper Group Inc. closed at $8.56. The stock began the trading session at $8.71 and hit a high of $8.88. The lowest price during the trading day was $8.48.

The shares of this company, which operates in the financial sector, reached a trading volume of about 837,276 throughout the day, which was clearly higher than the average daily volume for these shares.

At the time of writing, this publicly-traded organization holds a total market value of 796.59M, with 8500 employees on its payroll.

Continuing in the same vein, and taking into account all the analyst ratings for shares of Mr. Cooper Group Inc. (NASDAQ:COOP), the mean rating for this stock is 2.17. How is that calculated? Well, 2 analysts have given this company a BUY rating, 2 are rated it as OUTPERFORM, 1 has recommended that investors HOLD, 1 are considering it an UNDERPERFORM and 0 have recommended that owners of these shares SELL.

A month ago, 2 analysts thought this stock was a BUY, 2 of them posted an OUTPERFORM rating, 2 analysts recommended to HOLD this stock, 0 of them provided an underperform rating and 0 rated it as a Sell.

Technical analysis

This company’s 100-day moving average was 12.78, while its price change was posted at -5.79. Similarly, Mr. Cooper Group Inc. (NASDAQ:COOP) experienced a 100-day Percent movement of -40.35% with a trading volume reaching 875,751.

Continuing to look at similarly important data, this stock’s distance from its 200-day Simple Moving Average, or SMA 200, is -41.55% at the time of writing. This organization’s revenue over the trailing twelve months (TTM) of active operations is 1.79B, considering the fact that it was able to rack up the income of $1.03B through that period of time.

Additionally, if we divide an organization’s current total liabilities by its present stockholder equity, we get a number called the Total Debt to Equity Ratio (also called the D/E Ratio), which is a leading tactic for determining how financially strong the company is. This metric just illustrates how much debt an organization is using to support its assets in relation to how much its shareholder’s equity is worth. COOP’s Total Dept/Eq ratio is sitting at 6.28 at the time of writing, while its long-term Dept/Eq ratio is 5.19.

While maintaining our attention on the Technical analysis of Mr. Cooper Group Inc. (NASDAQ:COOP), during the last 50 days, its Raw Stochastic average was observed 1.14%, representing a downgrade from this organization’s 20-day Raw Stochastic average – which was posted 3.40%. During the last 20-days time span, this firm’s Stochastic %K was 9.25% and its Stochastic %D was noted 10.58%.

We can take a look at observable moving trends Mr. Cooper Group Inc. (NASDAQ:COOP) stock by taking a deep at its previous price journey. This particular stock’s current year-to-date (YTD) price performance is standing at -26.65%. Meanwhile, during the past six months of trading, this stock has deteriorated to -43.76%, along with a full-year performance of -50.46%. This company’s shares increased nearly 5.77% during the last 7-day stretch and up -1.83% over the last 30 days.

Stock to Keep Your Eyes on: Ironclad Encryption Corporation (OTC:IRNC)

Shares are now at -95.840278% over the past year and five years performance pointed at -94.069307%. The stock dispatched -68.473684% performance during the quarter. In the last month, the price performed 499%. Contracting the focus on performance, delivered a move of 499% over the last week.

The stock has a beta of -0.425934 compared to a beta of 1 for the market, which implies that the stock’s price movements are less extreme than the market as a whole. The stock therefore has below average level of market risk. The average true range percent (ATRP 14) of stock is 16.67%. ATRP measures volatility on a relative level.

Every trading session discloses different movements and trends about Ironclad Encryption Corporation (OTC:IRNC) stock. Currently we observed the different factors that reported on Wednesday session. Active investor focuses on important indicators those changes daily in trading session that includes where the Ironclad Encryption Corporation (OTC:IRNC) stock price change moved UP, DOWN or UNCHNAGE? What is market trading price of stock? How much shares are traded? What is market worth of stock? What technical say? How much stock is volatile?

Ironclad Encryption Corporation (OTC:IRNC) stock price is settled at $0.0599 in recent trading activity. Having a look at the daily price change trend and size of price movement it is noted that IRNC spotted a performance behavior with drift of 112.41135% or $0.0317points. The stock has market cap of $4935305.

IRNC stock has recorded the 200-day MA of 0.178248. Tracking current stock price levels in relation to some other popular moving averages, we have noted that the stock spotted 50-day MA of $0.013714. Taking a wider observation, one year high is seen at $1.45 and the one year low is presently at $0.007. Insider ownership is at 62.10% and Institutional ownership is at 0.00%.

Ironclad Encryption Corporation (OTC:IRNC) negotiated the trading capacity of 70785034 shares and observing the average volume of last three months the stock traded 5064720 shares. The Stock has relative volume of 13.98. In addition to price, analysts use volume trends to predict future performance. The level of trading activity in a stock is often a good proxy for the level of interest and enthusiasm for the name within the investment community.

Ironclad Encryption Corporation stock gained attention from Investors. Active investors purchase investments and continuously monitor their activity in order to exploit profitable conditions. Active investing is highly involved. Unlike passive investors, who invest in a stock when they believe in its potential for long-term appreciation, active investors will typically look at the price movements of their stocks many times a day. Typically, active investors are seeking short-term profits. Active investing is an investment strategy involving ongoing buying and selling actions by the investor typically for no more than one day.

The average directional index (ADX) stands at 26.45. ADX is a technical analysis metric. Analysts use it to determine the relative strength of a trend, with the direction of the trend either upwards or downwards. The ADX identifies a strong positive trend when the ADX is over 25 and a weak trend when the ADX is below 20. The Relative Strength Index, a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. The RSI oscillates between zero and 100. Traditionally the RSI is considered overbought when above 70 and oversold when below 30. Presently RSI is 81.3.

Money flow index of this stock is 98.23. MFI, a momentum indicator that oscillates between 1 to 100. It helps to determine whether a stock in the overbought or oversold. A value of 80 or more is considered overbought, a value of 20 or less oversold.

Eye Catching Stock: Vystar Corporation (OTC:VYST)

Vystar Corporation (OTC:VYST)

Vystar Corporation (OTC:VYST) stock price is settled at $0.064 in recent trading activity. Having a look at the daily price change trend and size of price movement it is noted that VYST spotted a performance behavior with drift of -10.987481% or $-0.0079points. The stock has market cap of $19984512.

VYST stock has recorded the 200-day MA of 0.028321. Tracking current stock price levels in relation to some other popular moving averages, we have noted that the stock spotted 50-day MA of $0.06. Taking a wider observation, one year high is seen at $0.158 and the one year low is presently at $0.0005. Insider ownership is at 42.40% and Institutional ownership is at 0.01%.

Every trading session discloses different movements and trends about Vystar Corporation (OTC:VYST) stock. Currently we observed the different factors that reported on Wednesday session. Active investor focuses on important indicators those changes daily in trading session that includes where the Vystar Corporation (OTC:VYST) stock price change moved UP, DOWN or UNCHNAGE? What is market trading price of stock? How much shares are traded? What is market worth of stock? What technical say? How much stock is volatile?

Vystar Corporation (OTC:VYST) negotiated the trading capacity of 16471118 shares and observing the average volume of last three months the stock traded 21937563 shares. The Stock has relative volume of 0.75. In addition to price, analysts use volume trends to predict future performance. The level of trading activity in a stock is often a good proxy for the level of interest and enthusiasm for the name within the investment community.

Vystar Corporation stock gained attention from Investors. Active investors purchase investments and continuously monitor their activity in order to exploit profitable conditions. Active investing is highly involved. Unlike passive investors, who invest in a stock when they believe in its potential for long-term appreciation, active investors will typically look at the price movements of their stocks many times a day. Typically, active investors are seeking short-term profits. Active investing is an investment strategy involving ongoing buying and selling actions by the investor typically for no more than one day.

Shares are now at 60% over the past year and five years performance pointed at -50.769231%. The stock dispatched 540% performance during the quarter. In the last month, the price performed 6.666667%. Contracting the focus on performance, delivered a move of -20% over the last week.

The stock has a beta of 79.2646 compared to a beta of 1 for the market, which implies that the stock’s price movements are more extreme than the market as a whole. The stock therefore has above average level of market risk. The average true range percent (ATRP 14) of stock is 16.67%. ATRP measures volatility on a relative level.

The average directional index (ADX) stands at 17.55. ADX is a technical analysis metric. Analysts use it to determine the relative strength of a trend, with the direction of the trend either upwards or downwards. The ADX identifies a strong positive trend when the ADX is over 25 and a weak trend when the ADX is below 20. The Relative Strength Index, a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. The RSI oscillates between zero and 100. Traditionally the RSI is considered overbought when above 70 and oversold when below 30. Presently RSI is 46.34.

Money flow index of this stock is 71.31. MFI, a momentum indicator that oscillates between 1 to 100. It helps to determine whether a stock in the overbought or oversold. A value of 80 or more is considered overbought, a value of 20 or less oversold

Target Weight of 0.00940 For Investors With Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST) in Their Portfolio

When investors are recalibrating their portfolios they should take a look at current volatility levels and the target weight calculation of a given stock.  Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST) has a current target weight (% as a decimal) of 0.00940.  This means that any balanced portfolio should not be holding more than this percentage of stock within their holdings group.  This number is based on recent stock volatility for the past 100 days.

New traders may face many challenges when entering the stock market. One of the bigger challenges involves not repeating mistakes. As with any new endeavor, there will be a learning curve. Paying attention to historical trades can help the trader figure out where they might have gone astray. Repeating the same mistakes over and over again can lead to the demise of the trader’s confidence and hard earned money. Traders who are able to move forward and learn from previous errors may find themselves making much better decisions in the future.

50/200 Simple Moving Average Cross

Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST) has a 1.99032 50/200 day moving average cross value. Cross SMA 50/200 (SMA = Simple Moving Average) and is calculated as follows:

Cross SMA 50/200 = 50 day moving average / 200day moving average. If the Cross SMA 50/200 value is greater than 1, it tell us that the 50 day moving average is above the 200 day moving average (golden cross), indicating an upward moving share price.

On the other hand if the Cross SMA 50/200 value is less than 1, this shows that the 50 day moving average is below the 200 day moving average (a death cross), and tells us that share prices has fallen recently and may continue to do so.

Returns and Margins

Taking look at some key returns and margins data we can note the following:

Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST) has Return on Invested Capital of -10.408360, with a 5-year average of -36.606060 and an ROIC quality score of 2.813341. Why is ROIC important? It’s one of the most fundamental metrics in determining the value of a given stock. It helps potential investors determine if the firm is using it’s invested capital to return profits.

Most people highly dislike losing. This is no different for individuals trading the stock market. Successful traders tend to be highly adept at managing risk and creating detailed trading plans. Consistently beating the market is no easy task. Many traders and investors will spend countless hours trying to figure it all out. Some people will continue to do their homework and put in the required time and effort. Others may burn out hot and fast wondering what happened. Markets can be cruel, and being prepared for various scenarios can help the trader better manage the trading seas when markets become rocky.

Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST) of the Other sector closed the recent session at 0.077700 with a market value of $24262.

In looking at some Debt ratios, Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST) has a debt to equity ratio of -4.61922 and a Free Cash Flow to Debt ratio of -0.462585.  This ratio provides insight as to how high the firm’s total debt is compared to its free cash flow generated.  In terms of Net Debt to EBIT, that ratio stands at -0.71301.  This ratio reveals how easily a company is able to pay interest and capital on its net outstanding debt.  The lower the ratio the better as that indicates that the company is able to meet its interest and capital payments. Lastly we’ll take note of the Net Debt to Market Value ratio.  Vystar Corporation’s ND to MV current stands at 0.095127. This ratio is calculated as follows: Net debt (Total debt minus Cash ) / Market value of the company.

Drilling down into some additional key near-term indicators we note that the Capex to PPE ratio stands at 0.000000 for Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST).  The Capex to PPE ratio shows you how capital intensive a company is. Stocks with an increasing (year over year) ratio may be moving to be more capital intensive and often underperform the market. Higher Capex also often means lower Free Cash Flow (Operating cash flow – Capex) generation and lower dividends as companies don’t have the cash to pay dividends if they are investing more in the business.

Investors are usually trying to take advantage of every possible market scenario. Tracking the market from many different angles can help the investor put together the big stock market picture. Many investors have the tendency to get caught up in all the headlines and news of the day. Sometimes that news will be relevant, but other times it will just be noise. Everyone has an opinion on where the stock market is headed, but nobody knows for sure. Studying the fundamentals and pertinent economic numbers can provide a solid foundation for investors to build from. 

In addition to Capex to PPE we can look at Cash Flow to Capex.  This ration compares a stock’s operating cash flow to its capital expenditure and can identify if a firm can generate enough cash to meet investment needs.  Investors are looking for a ratio greater than one, which indicates that the firm can meet that need. Comparing to other firms in the same industry is relevant for this ratio. Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST)’s Cash Flow to Capex stands at .

Near-Term Growth Drilldown

Now we’ll take a look at some key growth data as decimals. One year cash flow growth ratio is calculated on a trailing 12 months basis and is a one year percentage growth of a firm’s cash flow from operations.  This number stands at 0.47449 for Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST).  The one year Growth EBIT ratio stands at 2.05377 and is a calculation of one year growth in earnings before interest and taxes.  The one year EBITDA growth number stands at 1.94732 which is calculated similarly to EBIT Growth with just the addition of amortization.

Taking even a further look we note that the 1 year Free Cash Flow (FCF) Growth is at 0.47449.  The one year growth in Net Profit after Tax is 2.27798 and lastly sales growth was 16.06667.

Some investors may be bemoaning the stock choices they have made over the last year. Crafting a detailed plan may help with turning things around. The stock market is still running at high levels and investors need to be able to make every trade count. The next couple of weeks may be a great time for investors to review the portfolio and make some adjustments for the last few months of the year. Most investors realize that there are no certainties when it comes to stock market investing. Investors who make the proper preparations and put in the extra time may be able to get themselves headed on the right track to realizing profits. 

10 Best Travel Rewards Credit Cards of May 2019

Let’s look at some of the best credit card welcome bonuses that are available this month. Here’s what I consider the 10 best to be:

1. Ink Business Preferred℠ Credit Card

Current offer: 80,000 Ultimate Rewards points after spending $5,000 within three months from account opening
Annual fee: $95

Why it’s a great offer: The Ink cards have extremely generous category bonuses that help sole proprietorships and small businesses maximize points on everyday credit card spend. This card offers 3x points on the first $150,000 spent annually in combined purchases on travel, shipping, internet, cable and phone services, advertising purchases made with social media sites and search engines each account anniversary year.

This is a card that’s good for both for the welcome bonus and for everyday spend. I value Ultimate Rewards points at ~1.7 cents each, so to me, the welcome bonus is worth $1,265 after subtracting the annual fee.

2. CitiBusiness® / AAdvantage® Platinum Select® World Mastercard®

Current offer: Earn 70,000 AAdvantage miles after spending $4,000 within four months
Annual fee: $99, waived for the first 12 months

Why you should consider applying: I value American miles at 1.4 cents each, so to me the welcome bonus is worth $980. The card comes with several perks that could make it worth holding onto, including free checked bags, priority boarding, etc.

3. Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Current offer: 60,000 Ultimate Rewards points after spending $4,000 within three months
Annual fee: $95

Why it’s a great offer: This card’s bonus was just increased by 10,000 Ultimate Rewards points, which is exciting. Ultimate Rewards points can be transferred at a 1:1 ratio to Singapore, United, Hyatt, and many other programs. The card is also great for everyday spend given that it offers double points on dining and travel. I value the welcome bonus on this card at $925.

4. Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card

Current offer: 50,000 points after spending $3,000 within three months
Annual fee: no annual fee

Why it’s a great offer: Not only is the welcome bonus great, but the card also offers 5x points in useful categories (on the first $25,000 spent per cardmember year on office supply stores, internet, cable TV, mobile phones, and landlines), and points can be pooled with the Ultimate Rewards points earned on cards like the Chase Sapphire Reserve® CardChase Sapphire Preferred® Card, and Ink Business Preferred℠ Credit Card. Assuming you have this card in conjunction with one accruing premium Ultimate Rewards points, I value the welcome bonus on this card at $850.

5. Ink Business UnlimitedSM Credit Card

Current offer: 50,000 points after spending $3,000 within three months
Annual fee: no annual fee

Why it’s a great offer: This card was introduced last summer, and offers a fantastic return on everyday spend and a great welcome bonus. Points earned on this card can be pooled with the Ultimate Rewards points earned on cards like the Chase Sapphire Reserve® CardChase Sapphire Preferred® Card, and Ink Business Preferred℠ Credit Card. Assuming you have this card in conjunction with one accruing premium Ultimate Rewards points, I value the welcome bonus on this card at $850.

6. Citi® / AAdvantage® Platinum Select® World Elite™ Mastercard®

Current offer: Earn 60,000 AAdvantage miles after spending $3,000 within three months
Annual fee: $99, waived for the first 12 months

Why you should consider applying: I value American miles at 1.4 cents each, so to me the welcome bonus is worth $840. The card comes with several perks that could make it worth holding onto, including free checked bags, priority boarding, etc.

7. Alaska Airlines Visa® Credit Card

Current offer: Earn 40,000 Alaska miles plus a $121+ Alaska companion fare when you spend $2,000 within 90 days
Annual fee: $75

Why you should consider applying: 40,000 miles is one of the best bonuses we’ve seen on this card. That might not sound like that much, but I value Alaska miles more than any other mileage currency, given the excellent premium cabin redemptions that are available. The $121+ companion certificate offered with the card also has the potential to be really valuable, as outlined in this post.

8. Alaska Airlines Visa® Business Credit Card

Current offer: Earn 40,000 Alaska miles plus a $121+ Alaska companion fare when you spend $2,000 within 90 days
Annual fee: $75 ($50 for the account plus $25 for the first user)

Why you should consider applying: 40,000 miles is one of the best bonuses we’ve seen on this card. That might not sound like that much, but I value Alaska miles more than any other mileage currency, given the excellent premium cabin redemptions that are available. The $121+ companion certificate offered with the card also has the potential to be really valuable, as outlined in this post.

9. Barclaycard Arrival® Plus World Elite Mastercard® (see terms)

Current offer: Earn 70,000 miles after spending $5,000 on purchases within the first 90 days
Annual fee: $89, waived for the first 12 months

Why you should consider applying: This is a travel card that earns rewards that can be redeemed as cash towards the cost of a travel purchase. You earn two miles per dollar spent, and each mile can be redeemed for one cent towards a travel purchase. In other words, the welcome bonus of 70,000 miles is worth $700 towards travel.

10. Marriott Bonvoy BusinessTM American Express® Card

Current offer: Earn 100,000 Marriott Bonvoy points after spending $5,000 within three months; limited time offer, available through April 24, 2019
Annual fee: $125 (Rates & Fees)

Why you should consider applying: This card has an excellent increased welcome bonus, and on top of that is a card that can be worth holding onto long term, given that it offers 15 elite qualifying nights towards status annually, as well as an anniversary free night award valid at a property costing up to 35,000 points.

I value Marriott points at ~0.7 cents each, so to me the bonus is worth ~$700.

Please leave a comment about any questions you have regarding the credit cards above

VYSTAR CORPORATION (OTCMKTS:VYST) Sellers Declined By 19.43% Their Shorts

Change of 19.43% for VYSTAR CORPORATION (OTCMKTS:VYST)’s shares shorted was registered. In April was issued VYST’s total 491,700 shares shorted by FINRA. That’s 19.43% down from 610,300 shares. 

The stock decreased 0.26% or $0.0002 during the last trading session, hitting $0.0777.Currently Vystar Corporation is after 0.00% change in last April 14, 2018. VYST has also 4.22 million shares volume. The stock underperformed the S&P 500 by 4.37%.

Vystar Corporation manufactures and sells Vytex natural rubber latex products to the manufacturers of rubber and rubber end products in the United States.The firm is worth $24.26 million. The firm owns a technology to produce Vytex NRL, which reduces antigenic protein in natural rubber latex products to virtually undetectable levels in liquid NRL and finished latex products.Last it reported negative earnings. The Company’s NRL or latex substitutes are used in a range of products, including balloons, textiles, footwear and clothing, adhesives, foams, furniture, carpets, paints, coatings, protective equipment, and sporting equipment, as well as health care products, such as condoms, surgical and exam glove

How to Save Money: 7 Simple way to Start Saving

It is very important to save some money for a rainy day. Some savings come in handy when you need some cash for an emergency. We are encouraged to save from the moment we begin earning. It is one of the habits which shows financial responsibility. According to financial experts, we should save 30% of everything that we earn. While it sounds like a small fraction, it can actually be a big amount if you are earning little money in total. So how can you save money without straining when you have a small income? Here are the most effective strategies to save money without feeling deprived.

1.Track your spending

When you feel like you are deprived, it is often because there isn’t much money in your accounts. To save during this period, the first objective is to find out where your money is going. Begin by tracking your spending. Maybe you have unnecessary costs which are draining your accounts. Dominique J. Henderson, Sr. of DJH Capital Management indicates that you have to know where every single dollar that you spend is going. Take a look at your bank statements. They will show you how much your utilities and other needs are costing you. Examples of needs that you could have include food, utilities, insurance, transportation, rent ant debt payments. On the other hand, you could be having luxury costs such as TV subscriptions, Internet, nights out and restaurant meals. By looking at how much your needs cost and the amount that you are spending on wants gives you an idea of how much you can save per month without feeling deprived.

2.Begin saving when you are young

When you are young, time is on your side. This means that you have many years to save for retirement or emergencies. The earlier you begin saving, the less money you have to save over time. This is because of the power of compound interest. For many people, the savings target for retirement is $1,000,000. If you begin to save at the age of 23, you only have to save $14 every day at an average return rate of 6% to be a millionaire by age 67. However, if you start saving at 35 years old, then you have to save $30 to be a millionaire at 67.

3.Utilize the company match

If your company offers the chance to match your 401(k) retirement savings, then you can take advantage of it so as to save more money without feeling deprived. The company match works such that they will deposit a matching amount of money in your retirement account up to a specific point. If you decide to save 10% of your salary in the retirement savings account, then your employer company will deposit the same amount for you. The catch is that you have to sign up for this matching arrangement first. Therefore, you should use this method to save if your company provides this opportunity.

4.Save any surplus money that you get

You could come upon some surplus money that you had not foreseen. In case this happens, make sure that you bank some of it as soon as you can. Examples of surplus cash sources can be birthday gifts, bonuses or windfalls. When you get this amount of money, bank it right away so that you do not even face the temptation to spend it. This is an effective way to save money without feeling deprived.

5.Invest any spare change that you have

We all find ourselves with a few coins left over at the end of the day. Did you know that you could invest them and direct the income to your savings account? There are applications which are made specifically for this purpose. An example of such an application is Acorns. This application helps you to manage your spending through the day and directs any spare change to investments. It rounds up all your purchases to the nearest dollar and invests the excess. Using apps like Acorns is a smart way to save without feeling deprived.

6.Use a budget

Money is a resource which needs to be managed. One of the tools to do this is a budget. This is a plan that shows how much you have at hand for spending and the ways in which you spend it. A budget can show you how your expenses relate to your income. In doing so, it helps you to limit overspending and put something aside for the savings account. You can create a daily, weekly or monthly budget. This can be done manually or with the assistance of dedicated applications. Using a budget to calculate your expenditure and savings amounts is an effective way to save money without feeling deprived.

7.Set savings goals

To save consistently, you need some motivation. A goal can give you the drive required for saving. What do you want to do with your savings? Are you putting money aside for retirement or to invest in a house? Are you saving for college or for a vacation? These are goals that you can use to motivate your saving effort. Find something important to you and start putting money aside for it. This will help you to save without feeling broke because you will be too enthusiastic about achieving your target.

Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST) Sales Change of 16.06667 YoY

Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST) has seen cash flow growth over the past year of 0.47449.  Cash flow and cash flow growth can reveal to an investor how quickly the firm is generating inflows of cash from their business operations.  

Investors hope that they won’t have to deal with stock picks that don’t pan out, but this happens quite often in the stock market. At some point, the investor may have to make the tough decision to sell a stock that previously had a lot of upward potential. Holding onto an underperforming stock can sometimes hurt the portfolio. Investors may be hesitant to let go of the stock long after it should have been sold. Tracking the underlying fundamentals can assist the investor with figuring out the proper time to buy or sell a particular stock. Mastering this aspect of investing may come with experience, but it may be highly beneficial for the long-term success of the portfolio.

In taking a look at some other key growth stats we note that the one year Growth EBIT ratio stands at 2.05377 for Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST) and is a calculation of one year growth in earnings before interest and taxes. The one year EBITDA growth number stands at 1.94732 which is calculated similarly to EBIT Growth with just the addition of amortization.

Taking even a further look we note that the 1 year Free Cash Flow (FCF) Growth is at 0.47449. The one year growth in Net Profit after Tax is 2.27798 and lastly sales growth was 16.06667.

Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST) has a present suggested portfolio ownership rate of 0.00850 (as a decimal) ownership. Target weight is the volatility adjusted recommended position size for a stock in your portfolio. The maximum target weight is 7% for any given holding. The indicator is based off of the 100 day volatility reading and calculates a target weight accordingly. The more recent volatility of a stock, the lower the target weight will be. The 3-month volatility stands at 440.288700 (decimal). This is the normal returns and standard deviation of the stock price over three months annualized.

Diving down into some additional near-term indicators we see that the Capex to PPE ratio stands at 0.000000 for Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST). The Capex to PPE ratio shows you how capital intensive a company is. Stocks with an increasing (year over year) ratio may be moving to be more capital intensive and often underperform the market. Higher Capex also often means lower Free Cash Flow (Operating cash flow – Capex) generation and lower dividends as companies don’t have the cash to pay dividends if they are investing more in the business.

Investors may be drawing up a plan for the stretch run of the calendar year. With stocks riding high, the plan may involve looking at some different classes of shares. If the portfolio is full of large caps, investors may be looking for some small cap growth stocks to add to the mix. Investors may also be looking into purchasing some foreign stocks to get the portfolio as diversified as possible. Investors may also choose to select shares from various industries. Comparing stocks among peers can be a useful way to decide which ones might be ahead of the curve and poised for an upward move.

In looking at some key ratios we note that the Piotroski F Score stands at 5 (1 to 10 scale) and the ERP5 rank holds steady at 18080. The Q.I. Value of Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST) currently reads 50.00000 on the Quant scale. The Free Cash Flow score of 0.954343 is also swinging some momentum at investors. The United States of America based firm is currently valued at 697.

Some other notable ratios include the Accrual Ratio of 0.389972, the Altman Z score of -0.138560, a Montier C-Score of 2.00000 and a Value Composite rank of 96.

Some traders may be employing technical analysis to try and conquer the market. There are plenty of various indicators that traders can use. Studying different technical indicators can provide some good insight, but the individual investor may want to start by focusing on a few different popular ones. Deciding which indicators to use may require a significant amount of homework. Trying to track too many signals at first might not be the best idea, and it may even create more confusion. Once the indicators have been chosen, traders may spend a good amount of time back testing strategies before making some trades.

In addition to Capex to PPE we can look at Cash Flow to Capex. This ration compares a stock’s operating cash flow to its capital expenditure and can identify if a firm can generate enough cash to meet investment needs. Investors are looking for a ratio greater than one, which indicates that the firm can meet that need. Comparing to other firms in the same industry is relevant for this ratio. Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST)’s Cash Flow to Capex stands at .

Even professional traders can sometimes guess wrong about market direction. Many traders may have to balance emotion with the fear of missing out on a strong market move. Investors may be tempted to jump on the bullish bandwagon when stocks are powering higher. Investors on the wrong side of the market swing may have to consider what may be in store over the next few months. It’s only natural to pause and take a little breather once in a while. Investors may be chomping at the bit to buy up the dips if the market continues to advance. Fresh buying opportunities can surface at any moment, and the prepared trader may be poised to take full advantage. Keeping a close watch on earnings beats may help investors catch the wave early enough to secure some future profits.

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VYSTAR CORPORATION (OTCMKTS:VYST) Short Interest Decreased By 19.43%

VYSTAR CORPORATION (OTCMKTS:VYST) had a decrease of its shares shorted by 19.43%. FINRA published shares shorted of VYST’s total 491,700 shares. The down change of 19.43% from 610,300 shares was reported.

Ticker’s shares touched $0.0712 during the last trading session after 6.93% change.Vystar Corporation has volume of 6.11M shares. Since April 9, 2018 VYST has 0.00% and is . VYST underperformed the S&P500 by 4.37%.

Vystar Corporation manufactures and sells Vytex natural rubber latex products to the manufacturers of rubber and rubber end products in the United States.The firm is valued at $22.23 million. The firm owns a technology to produce Vytex NRL, which reduces antigenic protein in natural rubber latex products to virtually undetectable levels in liquid NRL and finished latex products.Last it reported negative earnings. The Company’s NRL or latex substitutes are used in a range of products, including balloons, textiles, footwear and clothing, adhesives, foams, furniture, carpets, paints, coatings, protective equipment, and sporting equipment, as well as health care products, such as condoms, surgical and exam gloves.

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